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Frogmore Consulting Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality is a major cornerstone of any business philosophy. It is also a principle of our services that is of paramount importance to Frogmore. We are committed to maintaining the highest degree of integrity and trust in all dealings with prospective, current and previous clients, both in terms of normal commercial confidentiality and the protection of all personal information received in the course of providing the business services concerned. We extend those same standards to all our customers, suppliers and associates.

Frogmore is aware that initial dialogues with prospective clients can be of a sensitive nature. Please inquire about our willingness to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to facilitate early-stage discussions.

And lastly, while most of our competitors openly market the cases on which they have worked, Frogmore does not. Our policy is never to disclose our relationship with you or publicly discuss your case without your permission. Our clients value their confidentiality and Frogmore does, too.